Source code for dtale.global_state

import string

from six import PY3

    from import MutableMapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import MutableMapping

DATA = {}

[docs]def drop_punctuation(val): if PY3: return val.translate(str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(string.punctuation))) return val.translate(string.maketrans("", ""), string.punctuation)
[docs]def convert_name_to_url_path(name): if name is None: return None url_name = drop_punctuation(name) url_name = url_name.lower() return "_".join(url_name.split(" "))
[docs]def find_data_id(data_id_or_name): if data_id_or_name in get_data(): return data_id_or_name for data_id, metadata in get_metadata().items(): url_name = convert_name_to_url_path(metadata.get("name")) if data_id_or_name == url_name: return data_id return None
[docs]def get_data(data_id=None): global DATA if data_id is None: return _as_dict(DATA) return DATA.get(data_id)
[docs]def get_dataset(data_id=None): global DATASETS if data_id is None: return _as_dict(DATASETS) return DATASETS.get(data_id)
[docs]def get_dataset_dim(data_id=None): global DATASET_DIM if data_id is None: return _as_dict(DATASET_DIM) return DATASET_DIM.get(data_id)
[docs]def get_dtypes(data_id=None): global DTYPES if data_id is None: return _as_dict(DTYPES) return DTYPES.get(data_id)
[docs]def get_settings(data_id=None): global SETTINGS if data_id is None: return _as_dict(SETTINGS) return SETTINGS.get(data_id)
[docs]def get_metadata(data_id=None): global METADATA if data_id is None: return _as_dict(METADATA) return METADATA.get(data_id)
[docs]def get_context_variables(data_id=None): global CONTEXT_VARIABLES if data_id is None: return _as_dict(CONTEXT_VARIABLES) return CONTEXT_VARIABLES.get(data_id)
[docs]def get_history(data_id=None): global HISTORY if data_id is None: return _as_dict(HISTORY) return HISTORY.get(data_id)
[docs]def set_data(data_id, val): global DATA DATA[data_id] = val
[docs]def set_dataset(data_id, val): global DATASETS DATASETS[data_id] = val
[docs]def set_dataset_dim(data_id, val): global DATASET_DIM DATASET_DIM[data_id] = val
[docs]def set_dtypes(data_id, val): global DTYPES DTYPES[data_id] = val
[docs]def set_settings(data_id, val): global SETTINGS SETTINGS[data_id] = val
[docs]def set_metadata(data_id, val): global METADATA METADATA[data_id] = val
[docs]def set_context_variables(data_id, val): global CONTEXT_VARIABLES CONTEXT_VARIABLES[data_id] = val
[docs]def set_history(data_id, val): global HISTORY HISTORY[data_id] = val
[docs]def cleanup(data_id=None): """ Helper function for cleanup up state related to a D-Tale process with a specific port :param port: integer string for a D-Tale process's port :type port: str """ global DATA, DATASETS, DATASET_DIM, DTYPES, SETTINGS, METADATA, CONTEXT_VARIABLES, HISTORY if data_id is None: DATA.clear() DATASETS.clear() DATASET_DIM.clear() SETTINGS.clear() DTYPES.clear() METADATA.clear() CONTEXT_VARIABLES.clear() HISTORY.clear() else: for store in [ DATA, DATASETS, DATASET_DIM, DTYPES, SETTINGS, METADATA, CONTEXT_VARIABLES, HISTORY, ]: if data_id in store: del store[data_id]
def _as_dict(store): """Return the dict representation of a data store. Stores must either be an instance of MutableMapping OR have a to_dict method. :param store: data store (dict, redis connection, etc.) :return: dict """ return dict(store) if isinstance(store, MutableMapping) else store.to_dict()
[docs]def use_store(store_class, create_store): """ Customize how dtale stores and retrieves global data. By default it uses global dictionaries, but this can be problematic if there are memory limitations or multiple python processes are running. Ex: a web server with multiple workers (processes) for processing requests. :param store_class: Class providing an interface to the data store. To be valid, it must: 1. Implement get, clear, __setitem__, __delitem__, __iter__, __len__, __contains__. 2. Either be a subclass of MutableMapping or implement the 'to_dict' method. :param create_store: Factory function for producing instances of <store_class>. Must take 'name' as the only parameter. :return: None """ import inspect assert inspect.isclass(store_class), "Must be a class" assert all( hasattr(store_class, a) for a in ( "get", "clear", "__setitem__", "__delitem__", "__len__", "__contains__", ) ), "Missing required methods" assert issubclass(store_class, MutableMapping) or hasattr( store_class, "to_dict" ), 'Must subclass MutableMapping or implement "to_dict"' assert inspect.isfunction(create_store), "Must be a function" if PY3: assert list(inspect.signature(create_store).parameters) == [ "name" ], 'Must take "name" as the only parameter' else: assert inspect.getargspec(create_store).args == [ "name" ], 'Must take "name" as the only parameter' def convert(old_store, name): """Convert a data store to the new type :param old_store: old data store :param name: name associated with this data store :return: new data store """ new_store = create_store(name) assert isinstance(new_store, store_class) new_store.clear() for k, v in _as_dict(old_store).items(): new_store[k] = v old_store.clear() return new_store global DATA, DTYPES, SETTINGS, METADATA, CONTEXT_VARIABLES, HISTORY DATA = convert(DATA, "DATA") DTYPES = convert(DTYPES, "DTYPES") SETTINGS = convert(SETTINGS, "SETTINGS") METADATA = convert(METADATA, "METADATA") CONTEXT_VARIABLES = convert(CONTEXT_VARIABLES, "CONTEXT_VARIABLES") HISTORY = convert(HISTORY, "HISTORY")
[docs]def use_default_store(): """Use the default global data store, which is dictionaries in memory.""" def create_dict(name): return dict() use_store(dict, create_dict)
[docs]def use_shelve_store(directory): """ Configure dtale to use python's standard 'shelve' library for a persistent global data store. :param directory: directory that the shelve db files will be stored in :type directory: str :return: None """ import shelve from os.path import join from functools import wraps def with_db_access(flag): """ Factory for creating decorators that will handle opening the database file with the given access and then close it after executing the method. """ def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self.db =, flag=flag) result = func(self, *args, **kwargs) self.db.close() return result return wrapper return decorator read = with_db_access("r") write = with_db_access("w") class DtaleShelf: """Interface allowing dtale to use 'shelf' databases for global data storage.""" def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.db =, flag="n") self.db.close() @read def get(self, key): return self.db.get(key) @write def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.db[key] = value @write def __delitem__(self, key): del self.db[key] @read def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.db @write def clear(self): self.db.clear() @read def to_dict(self): return dict(self.db) @read def __len__(self): return len(self.db) def create_shelf(name): file_path = join(directory, name) return DtaleShelf(file_path) use_store(DtaleShelf, create_shelf)
[docs]def use_redis_store(directory, *args, **kwargs): """Configure dtale to use redis for the global data store. Useful for web servers. :param db_folder: folder that db files will be stored in :type db_folder: str :param args: All other arguments supported by the redislite.Redis() class :param kwargs: All other keyword arguments supported by the redislite.Redis() class :return: None """ import pickle from os.path import join try: from redislite import Redis except ImportError: raise Exception("redislite must be installed") class DtaleRedis(Redis): """Wrapper class around Redis() to make it work as a global data store in dtale.""" def get(self, name, *args, **kwargs): value = super(DtaleRedis, self).get(name, *args, **kwargs) if value is not None: return pickle.loads(value) def set(self, name, value, *args, **kwargs): value = pickle.dumps(value) return super(DtaleRedis, self).set(name, value, *args, **kwargs) def clear(self): self.flushdb() def to_dict(self): return {k.decode("utf-8"): self.get(k) for k in self.keys()} def __len__(self): return len(self.keys()) def create_redis(name): file_path = join(directory, name + ".db") return DtaleRedis(file_path, *args, **kwargs) use_store(DtaleRedis, create_redis)