Source code for dtale.column_builders

import random
import string
import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import mstats
from six import string_types

import dtale.global_state as global_state
from dtale.utils import classify_type

[docs]class ColumnBuilder(object): def __init__(self, data_id, column_type, name, cfg): self.data_id = data_id if column_type == "numeric": self.builder = NumericColumnBuilder(name, cfg) elif column_type == "datetime": self.builder = DatetimeColumnBuilder(name, cfg) elif column_type == "bins": self.builder = BinsColumnBuilder(name, cfg) elif column_type == "random": self.builder = RandomColumnBuilder(name, cfg) elif column_type == "type_conversion": self.builder = TypeConversionColumnBuilder(name, cfg) elif column_type == "transform": self.builder = TransformColumnBuilder(name, cfg) elif column_type == "winsorize": self.builder = WinsorizeColumnBuilder(name, cfg) elif column_type == "zscore_normalize": self.builder = ZScoreNormalizeColumnBuilder(name, cfg) else: raise NotImplementedError( "'{}' column builder not implemented yet!".format(column_type) )
[docs] def build_column(self): data = global_state.get_data(self.data_id) return self.builder.build_column(data)
[docs] def build_code(self): return self.builder.build_code()
[docs]class NumericColumnBuilder(object): def __init__(self, name, cfg): = name self.cfg = cfg
[docs] def build_column(self, data): left, right, operation = ( self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["left", "right", "operation"] ) left = data[left["col"]] if "col" in left else float(left["val"]) right = data[right["col"]] if "col" in right else float(right["val"]) if operation == "sum": return left + right if operation == "difference": return left - right if operation == "multiply": return left * right if operation == "divide": return left / right return np.nan
[docs] def build_code(self): left, right, operation = ( self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["left", "right", "operation"] ) operations = dict(sum="+", difference="-", multiply="*", divide="/") return "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = {left} {operation} {right}".format(, operation=operations.get(operation), left="df['{}']".format(left["col"]) if "col" in left else left["val"], right="df['{}']".format(right["col"]) if "col" in right else right["val"], )
FREQ_MAPPING = dict(month="M", quarter="Q", year="Y")
[docs]class DatetimeColumnBuilder(object): def __init__(self, name, cfg): = name self.cfg = cfg
[docs] def build_column(self, data): col = self.cfg["col"] if "property" in self.cfg: return getattr(data[col].dt, self.cfg["property"]) conversion_key = self.cfg["conversion"] [freq, how] = conversion_key.split("_") freq = FREQ_MAPPING[freq] conversion_data = ( data[[col]] .set_index(col) .index.to_period(freq) .to_timestamp(how=how) .normalize() ) return pd.Series(conversion_data, index=data.index,
[docs] def build_code(self): if "property" in self.cfg: return "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = df['{col}'].dt.{property}".format(, **self.cfg ) conversion_key = self.cfg["conversion"] [freq, how] = conversion_key.split("_") freq = FREQ_MAPPING[freq] return ( "{name}_data = data[['{col}']].set_index('{col}').index.to_period('{freq}')'" ".to_timestamp(how='{how}').normalize()\n" "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = pd.Series({name}_data, index=df.index, name='{name}')" ).format(, col=self.cfg["col"], freq=freq, how=how)
[docs]class BinsColumnBuilder(object): def __init__(self, name, cfg): = name self.cfg = cfg
[docs] def build_column(self, data): col, operation, bins, labels = ( self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["col", "operation", "bins", "labels"] ) bins = int(bins) if operation == "cut": bin_data = pd.cut(data[col], bins=bins) else: bin_data = pd.qcut(data[col], q=bins) if labels: cats = {idx: str(cat) for idx, cat in enumerate(labels.split(","))} else: cats = {idx: str(cat) for idx, cat in enumerate(} return pd.Series(, index=data.index,
[docs] def build_test(self, data): col, operation, bins, labels = ( self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["col", "operation", "bins", "labels"] ) bins = int(bins) if operation == "cut": bin_data = pd.cut(data[col], bins=bins) else: bin_data = pd.qcut(data[col], q=bins) counts = [int(c) for c in bin_data.groupby(] if labels: labels = labels.split(",") else: labels = list(map(str, return counts, labels
[docs] def build_code(self): col, operation, bins, labels = ( self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["col", "operation", "bins", "labels"] ) bins_code = [] if operation == "cut": bins_code.append( "{name}_data = pd.cut(df['{col}'], bins={bins})".format(, col=col, bins=bins ) ) else: bins_code.append( "{name}_data = pd.qcut(df['{col}'], bins={bins})".format(, col=col, bins=bins ) ) if labels: labels_str = ", ".join( ["{}: {}".format(idx, cat) for idx, cat in enumerate(labels.split(","))] ) labels_str = "{" + labels_str + "}" bins_code.append( "{name}_cats = {labels}".format(, labels=labels_str) ) else: bins_code.append( "{name}_cats = {idx: str(cat) for idx, cat in enumerate({name}}" ) s_str = "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = pd.Series({name}{name}_cats), index=df.index, name='{name}')" bins_code.append(s_str.format( return "\n".join(bins_code)
[docs]def id_generator(size=10, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): return "".join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(int(size)))
[docs]class RandomColumnBuilder(object): def __init__(self, name, cfg): = name self.cfg = cfg
[docs] def build_column(self, data): rand_type = self.cfg["type"] if "string" == rand_type: kwargs = dict(size=self.cfg.get("length", 10)) if self.cfg.get("chars"): kwargs["chars"] = self.cfg["chars"] return pd.Series( [id_generator(**kwargs) for _ in range(len(data))], index=data.index,, ) if "int" == rand_type: low = self.cfg.get("low", 0) high = self.cfg.get("high", 100) return pd.Series( np.random.randint(low, high=high, size=len(data)), index=data.index,, ) if "date" == rand_type: start = pd.Timestamp(self.cfg.get("start") or "19000101") end = pd.Timestamp(self.cfg.get("end") or "21991231") business_days = self.cfg.get("businessDay") is True timestamps = self.cfg.get("timestamps") is True if timestamps: def pp(start, end, n): start_u = start.value // 10 ** 9 end_u = end.value // 10 ** 9 return pd.DatetimeIndex( (10 ** 9 * np.random.randint(start_u, end_u, n)).view("M8[ns]") ) dates = pp(pd.Timestamp(start), pd.Timestamp(end), len(data)) else: dates = pd.date_range(start, end, freq="B" if business_days else "D") dates = [ dates[i] for i in np.random.randint(0, len(dates) - 1, size=len(data)) ] return pd.Series(dates, index=data.index, if "bool" == rand_type: return pd.Series( np.random.choice([True, False], len(data)), index=data.index,, ) if "choice" == rand_type: choices = ( self.cfg.get("choices") or "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z" ) choices = choices.split(",") return pd.Series( np.random.choice(choices, len(data)), index=data.index, ) # floats low = self.cfg.get("low", 0) high = self.cfg.get("high", 1) return pd.Series( np.random.uniform(low, high, len(data)), index=data.index, )
[docs] def build_code(self): rand_type = self.cfg["type"] if "string" == rand_type: kwargs = [] if self.cfg.get("length") != 10: kwargs.append("size={size}".format(size=self.cfg.get("length"))) if self.cfg.get("chars"): kwargs.append("chars='{chars}'".format(chars=self.cfg.get("chars"))) kwargs = ", ".join(kwargs) return ( "import number\nimport random\n\n" "def id_generator(size=1500, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):\n" "\treturn ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))\n\n" "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = pd.Series([id_generator({kwargs}) for _ in range(len(df)], index=df.index)" ).format(kwargs=kwargs, return "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = df['{col}'].dt.{property}".format(, **self.cfg ) if "bool" == rand_type: return ( "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = pd.Series(np.random.choice([True, False], len(df)), index=data.index" ).format( if "date" == rand_type: start = pd.Timestamp(self.cfg.get("start") or "19000101") end = pd.Timestamp(self.cfg.get("end") or "21991231") business_days = self.cfg.get("businessDay") is True timestamps = self.cfg.get("timestamps") is True if timestamps: code = ( "def pp(start, end, n):\n" "\tstart_u = start.value // 10 ** 9\n" "\tend_u = end.value // 10 ** 9\n" "\treturn pd.DatetimeIndex(\n" "\t\t(10 ** 9 * np.random.randint(start_u, end_u, n, dtype=np.int64)).view('M8[ns]')\n" ")\n\n" "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = pd.Series(\n" "\tpp(pd.Timestamp('{start}'), pd.Timestamp('{end}'), len(df)), index=df.index\n" ")" ).format(, start=start.strftime("%Y%m%d"), end=end.strftime("%Y%m%d"), ) else: freq = ", freq='B'" if business_days else "" code = ( "dates = pd.date_range('{start}', '{end}'{freq})\n" "dates = [dates[i] for i in np.random.randint(0, len(dates) - 1, size=len(data))]\n" "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = pd.Series(dates, index=data.index)" ).format(, start=start.strftime("%Y%m%d"), end=end.strftime("%Y%m%d"), freq=freq, ) return code if "choice" == rand_type: choices = ( self.cfg.get("choices") or "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z" ) choices = choices.split(",") return "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = pd.Series(np.random.choice({choices}, len(df)), index=df.index)".format( choices="', '".join(choices), ) if "int" == rand_type: low = self.cfg.get("low", 0) high = self.cfg.get("high", 100) return ( "import numpy as np\n\n" "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = pd.Series(np.random.randint({low}, high={high}, size=len(df)), " "index=df.index)" ).format(, low=low, high=high) low = self.cfg.get("low", 0) high = self.cfg.get("high", 1) return ( "import numpy as np\n\n" "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = pd.Series(np.random.uniform({low}, {high}, len(df)), index=df.index)" ).format(low=low, high=high,
[docs]class TypeConversionColumnBuilder(object): def __init__(self, name, cfg): = name self.cfg = cfg
[docs] def build_column(self, data): col, from_type, to_type = (self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["col", "from", "to"]) s = data[col] classifier = classify_type(from_type) if ( classifier == "S" ): # col can be (str or category) -> date, int, float, bool, category if to_type == "date": date_kwargs = {} if self.cfg.get("fmt"): date_kwargs["format"] = self.cfg["fmt"] else: date_kwargs["infer_datetime_format"] = True return pd.Series( pd.to_datetime(s, **date_kwargs),, index=s.index ) elif to_type == "int": return pd.Series( s.astype("float").astype("int"),, index=s.index ) elif to_type == "float": return pd.Series( pd.to_numeric(s, errors="coerce"),, index=s.index ) else: if from_type.startswith("mixed"): if to_type == "float": return pd.Series( pd.to_numeric(s, errors="coerce"),, index=s.index, ) elif to_type == "bool": def _process_mixed_bool(v): if isinstance(v, bool): return v if isinstance(v, string_types): return dict(true=True, false=False).get( v.lower(), np.nan ) return np.nan return pd.Series( s.apply(_process_mixed_bool),, index=s.index ) return pd.Series(s.astype(to_type),, index=s.index) elif classifier == "I": # date, float, category, str, bool if to_type == "date": unit = self.cfg.get("unit") or "D" if unit == "YYYYMMDD": return pd.Series( s.astype(str).apply(pd.Timestamp),, index=s.index ) return pd.Series( pd.to_datetime(s, unit=unit),, index=s.index ) return pd.Series(s.astype(to_type),, index=s.index) elif classifier == "F": # str, int return pd.Series(s.astype(to_type),, index=s.index) elif classifier == "D": # str, int if to_type == "int": unit = self.cfg.get("unit") if unit == "YYYYMMDD": return pd.Series( s.dt.strftime("%Y%m%d").astype(int),, index=s.index, ) return pd.Series( s.apply(lambda x: time.mktime(x.timetuple())).astype(int) ) return pd.Series( s.dt.strftime(self.cfg.get("fmt") or "%Y%m%d"),, index=s.index, ) elif classifier == "B": return pd.Series(s.astype(to_type),, index=s.index) raise NotImplementedError( "data type conversion not supported for dtype: {}".format(from_type) )
[docs] def build_inner_code(self): col, from_type, to_type = (self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["col", "from", "to"]) s = "df['{col}']".format(col=col) classifier = classify_type(from_type) if classifier == "S": # date, int, float, bool, category if to_type == "date": if self.cfg.get("fmt"): date_kwargs = "format='{}'".format(self.cfg["fmt"]) else: date_kwargs = "infer_datetime_format=True" code = "pd.Series(pd.to_datetime({s}, {kwargs}), name='{name}', index={s}.index)" return code.format(s=s,, kwargs=date_kwargs) elif to_type == "int": return "pd.Series({s}.astype('float').astype('int'), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( s=s, ) elif to_type == "float": return "pd.Series(pd.to_numeric({s}, errors='coerce'), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( s=s, ) else: if from_type.startswith("mixed"): if to_type == "float": return "pd.Series(pd.to_numeric({s}, errors='coerce'), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( s=s, ) elif to_type == "bool": return ( "def _process_mixed_bool(v):\n" "from six import string_types\n\n" "\tif isinstance(v, bool):\n" "\t\treturn v\n" "\tif isinstance(v, string_types):\n" "\t\treturn dict(true=True, false=False).get(v.lower(), np.nan)\n" "\treturn np.nan\n\n" "pd.Series({s}.apply(_process_mixed_bool), name='{name}', index={s}.index)" ).format(s=s, return "pd.Series({s}.astype({to_type}), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( s=s, to_type=to_type, ) elif classifier == "I": # date, float, category, str, bool if to_type == "date": unit = self.cfg.get("unit") or "D" if unit == "YYYYMMDD": return "pd.Series({s}.astype(str).apply(pd.Timestamp), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( s=s,, ) return "pd.Series(pd.to_datetime({s}, unit='{unit}'), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( s=s,, unit=unit ) return "pd.Series({s}.astype('{to_type}'), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( s=s, to_type=to_type, ) elif classifier == "F": # str, int return "pd.Series(s.astype('{to_type}'), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( s=s, to_type=to_type, ) elif classifier == "D": # str, int if to_type == "int": unit = self.cfg.get("unit") or "D" if unit == "YYYYMMDD": return "pd.Series({s}.dt.strftime('%Y%m%d').astype(int), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( s=s, ) return ( "pd.Series(\n" "\t{s}.apply(lambda x: time.mktime(x.timetuple())).astype(int), \n" "name='{name}', index={s}.index\n" ")" ).format(s=s, return "pd.Series({s}.dt.strftime('{fmt}'), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( fmt=self.cfg.get("fmt") or "%Y%m%d", s=s, ) elif classifier == "B": return "pd.Series(s.astype('{to_type}'), name='{name}', index={s}.index)".format( s=s, to_type=to_type, ) raise NotImplementedError( "data type conversion not supported for dtype: {}".format(from_type) )
[docs] def build_code(self): code = self.build_inner_code() return "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = {code}".format(, code=code)
[docs]class TransformColumnBuilder(object): def __init__(self, name, cfg): = name self.cfg = cfg
[docs] def build_column(self, data): group, col, agg = (self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["group", "col", "agg"]) return pd.Series( data.groupby(group)[col].transform(agg), index=data.index, )
[docs] def build_code(self): group, col, agg = (self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["group", "col", "agg"]) code = ( "pd.Series(\n" "\tdata.groupby(['{group}'])['{col}'].transform('{agg}'), index=data.index, name='{name}'\n" ")" ).format(, col=col, agg=agg, group="','".join(group)) return "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = {code}".format(, code=code)
[docs]class WinsorizeColumnBuilder(object): def __init__(self, name, cfg): = name self.cfg = cfg
[docs] def build_column(self, data): group, col, limits, inclusive = ( self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["group", "col", "limits", "inclusive"] ) kwargs = { k: self.cfg[k] for k in ["limits", "inclusive"] if self.cfg.get(k) is not None } if len(group or []): def winsorize_series(group): return mstats.winsorize(group, **kwargs) winsorized_data = data.groupby(group)[col].transform(winsorize_series) else: winsorized_data = mstats.winsorize(data[col], **kwargs) return pd.Series(winsorized_data, index=data.index,
[docs] def build_code(self): group, col, limits, inclusive = ( self.cfg.get(p) for p in ["group", "col", "limits", "inclusive"] ) winsorize_params = [] if limits is not None: winsorize_params.append("limits=[{}]".format(", ".join(map(str, limits)))) if inclusive is not None: winsorize_params.append( "inclusive=[{}]".format(", ".join(map(str, inclusive))) ) if len(winsorize_params): winsorize_params = ", {}".format(", ".join(winsorize_params)) else: winsorize_params = "" if len(group or []): code = ( "from scipy.stats import mstats\n\n" "def winsorize_series(group):\n" "\treturn mstats.winsorize(group{params})\n\n" "winsorized_data = data.groupby(['{group}'])['{col}'].transform(winsorize_series)\n" "winsorized_data = pd.Series(winsorized_data, index=data.index, name='{name}')" ).format( params=winsorize_params, col=col, group="', '".join(group),, ) else: code = ( "from scipy.stats import mstats\n\n" "winsorized_data = mstats.winsorize(data['{col}']{params})\n" "winsorized_data = pd.Series(winsorized_data, index=data.index, name='{name}')" ).format(params=winsorize_params, col=col, return [code, "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = winsorized_data".format(]
ZERO_STD_ERROR = "Column consists of a constant value and z-score normalization will result in all nans!"
[docs]class ZScoreNormalizeColumnBuilder(object): def __init__(self, name, cfg): = name self.cfg = cfg
[docs] def build_column(self, data): col = self.cfg.get("col") if data[col].std() == 0: raise Exception(ZERO_STD_ERROR) return pd.Series( (data[col] - data[col].mean()) / data[col].std(ddof=0), index=data.index,, )
[docs] def build_code(self): col = self.cfg.get("col") return ( "df.loc[:, '{name}'] = pd.Series(\n" "\t(data['{col}'] - data['{col}'].mean()) / data['{col}'].std(ddof=0), index=data.index, name='{name}'\n" ")" ).format(, col=col)