Source code for dtale.dash_application.layout.utils

import dash_html_components as html
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import dash_core_components as dcc

from dtale.utils import dict_merge, classify_type, flatten_lists, make_list

AGGS = dict(
    raw="No Aggregation",
    nunique="Unique Count",
    std="Standard Deviation",
    mad="Mean Absolute Deviation",
    prod="Product of All Items",
    pctct="Percentage Count",
    pctsum="Percentage Sum",

[docs]def show_style(show): return {"display": "block" if show else "none"}
[docs]def build_input( label, input, className="col-auto", label_class="input-group-addon", **kwargs ): """ Helper function to build a standard label/input component in dash. :param label: name of the input you are displaying :type label: str :param input: dash component for storing state :param className: style class to be applied to encapsulating div :type className: str :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments to be applied to encapsulating div (style, title, id...) :type kwargs: dict :return: dash components for label/input :rtype: :dash:`dash_html_components.Div <dash-html-components/div>` """ return html.Div( [ html.Div( [html.Span(label, className=label_class), input], className="input-group mr-3", ) ], className=className, **kwargs )
[docs]def build_option(value, label=None): """ Returns value/label inputs in a dictionary for use in :dash:`dash_core_components.Dropdown <dash-core-components/Dropdown>` """ return {"label": label or value, "value": value}
FREQS = ["H", "H2", "WD", "D", "W", "M", "Q", "Y"] FREQ_LABELS = dict( H="Hourly", H2="Hour", WD="Weekday", W="Weekly", M="Monthly", Q="Quarterly", Y="Yearly", )
[docs]def build_cols(cols, dtypes): """ Helper function to add additional column entries for columns of type datetime so that users can make use of different frequencies of dates. For example, hour, weekday, month, quarter, year :param cols: columns in dataframe :type cols: list of strings :param dtypes: datatypes of columns in dataframe :type dtypes: dict :return: generator or columns + any additional (datetime column + frequency) options """ for c in cols: if classify_type(dtypes[c]) == "D": for freq in FREQS: if freq in FREQ_LABELS: yield "{}|{}".format(c, freq), "{} ({})".format( c, FREQ_LABELS[freq] ) else: yield c, c else: yield c, c
[docs]def build_selections(*args): """ simple helper function to build a single level list of values based on variable number of inputs which could be equal to None. """ return flatten_lists([[] if a is None else make_list(a) for a in args])
[docs]def build_tab(label, value, additional_style=None, **kwargs): """ Builds a :dash:`dash_core_components.Tab <dash-core-components/tab>` with standard styling settings. """ base_style = {"borderBottom": "1px solid #d6d6d6", "padding": "6px"} return dcc.Tab( label=label, value=value, style=dict_merge(base_style, {"fontWeight": "bold"}, additional_style or {}), disabled_style=dict_merge( base_style, { "fontWeight": "bold", "backgroundColor": "LightGray", "color": "black", "cursor": "not-allowed", }, additional_style or {}, ), selected_style=dict_merge( base_style, { "borderTop": "1px solid #d6d6d6", "backgroundColor": "#2a91d1", "color": "white", }, additional_style or {}, ), **kwargs )
[docs]def build_drilldown_modal(idx): return dbc.Modal( [ dbc.ModalHeader( html.Div( [ html.Div( "Chart Drilldown", className="col mt-auto mb-auto", id="drilldown-modal-header-{}".format(idx), ), html.Button( html.Span("X"), className="close mr-5", id="close-drilldown-modal-header-{}".format(idx), ), ], className="row", ) ), dbc.ModalBody( dcc.Loading( [ html.Div( [ html.Div( dcc.Tabs( id="drilldown-chart-type-{}".format(idx), value="histogram", children=[ build_tab(t.capitalize(), t) for t in ["histogram", "bar"] ], style=dict(height="36px"), ), className="col-md-4", ), build_input( "X", dcc.Dropdown( id="drilldown-x-dropdown-{}".format(idx), options=[], placeholder="Select a column", value=None, style=dict(width="inherit"), className="drilldown-x-dropdown", ), id="drilldown-x-input-{}".format(idx), style=dict(display="none"), ), ], className="row pt-3 pb-5", ), html.Div(id="drilldown-content-{}".format(idx)), ], type="circle", ) ), dbc.ModalFooter( dbc.Button( "Close", id="close-drilldown-modal-{}".format(idx), className="ml-auto", ) ), ], id="drilldown-modal-{}".format(idx), size="lg", centered=True, className="drilldown-modal", )
[docs]def reset_charts(): global CHART_IDX CHART_IDX = 0
[docs]def graph_wrapper(modal=False, export=False, **kwargs): global CHART_IDX curr_style = kwargs.pop("style", None) or {} if modal or export: id = "{}-chart".format("modal" if modal else "export") return dcc.Graph( id=id, style=dict_merge({"height": "100%"}, curr_style), **kwargs ) CHART_IDX += 1 graph = dcc.Graph( id="chart-{}".format(CHART_IDX), style=dict_merge({"height": "100%"}, curr_style), **kwargs ) graph.figure["id"] = "chart-figure-{}".format(CHART_IDX) click_data_store = dcc.Store(id="chart-click-data-{}".format(CHART_IDX)) return [graph, click_data_store, build_drilldown_modal(CHART_IDX)]