Source code for dtale.dash_application.drilldown_modal

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate

import dtale.global_state as global_state
from dtale.dash_application.charts import (
from dtale.dash_application.utils import get_data_id
from dtale.dash_application.layout.utils import (
from dtale.utils import (
from dtale.charts.utils import (

[docs]def combine_inputs(dash_app, inputs, chart_inputs={}, yaxis_data={}, map_data={}): """ Combines all managed state (inputs, chart inputs, map inputs & yaxis inputs) within Dash into one dictionary. """ all_inputs = dict_merge( inputs, chart_inputs, dict(yaxis=yaxis_data or {}), map_data ) if is_app_root_defined(dash_app.server.config.get("APPLICATION_ROOT")): all_inputs["app_root"] = dash_app.server.config["APPLICATION_ROOT"] return all_inputs
[docs]def build_histogram(data_id, col, query, point_filter): data = run_query( global_state.get_data(data_id), query, global_state.get_context_variables(data_id), ) data = run_query(data, build_group_inputs_filter(data, [point_filter])) s = data[~pd.isnull(data[col])][col] hist_data, hist_labels = np.histogram(s, bins=10) hist_labels = list(map(lambda x: json_float(x, precision=3), hist_labels[1:])) axes_builder = build_axes( None, "Bins", dict(type="single", data={}), dict(Frequency=0), dict(Frequency=max(hist_data)), data=pd.DataFrame(dict(Frequency=hist_data, Bins=hist_labels)), ) hist_data = dict(data={"all": dict(x=hist_labels, Frequency=hist_data)}) bars = bar_builder( hist_data, "Bins", ["Frequency"], axes_builder, chart_builder_passthru, modal=True, ) bars.figure["layout"]["xaxis"]["type"] = "category" bars.figure["layout"]["title"]["text"] = "Histogram of {} ({} data points)".format( col, len(s) ) return bars
[docs]def build_drilldown_title(data_id, all_inputs, click_point, props, val_prop): data = global_state.get_data(data_id) def _build_val(col, val): if classify_type(find_dtype(data[col])) == "D": return json_date(convert_date_val_to_date(val)) return val if "text" in click_point: # Heatmaps strs = [] for dim in click_point["text"].split("<br>"): prop, val = dim.split(": ") strs.append("{} ({})".format(prop, val)) return "Drilldown for: {}".format(", ".join(strs)) strs = [] frame_col = all_inputs.get("animate_by") if frame_col: strs.append("{} ({})".format(frame_col, click_point.get("customdata"))) for prop in props: prop = make_list(prop) val_key = prop[0] if click_point.get(val_key) is not None: col = make_list(all_inputs.get(prop[-1]))[0] strs.append( "{} ({})".format(col, _build_val(col, click_point.get(val_key))) ) val_prop = make_list(val_prop) val_key = val_prop[0] val_col = make_list(all_inputs.get(val_prop[-1]))[0] agg = AGGS[all_inputs.get("agg") or "raw"] strs.append( "{} {} ({})".format(agg, val_col, _build_val(val_col, click_point.get(val_key))) ) return "Drilldown for: {}".format(", ".join(strs))
[docs]def init_callbacks(dash_app): def toggle_modal(close1, close2, click_data, is_open, inputs, drilldowns_on): if not drilldowns_on: raise PreventUpdate if (inputs.get("agg") or "raw") == "raw": raise PreventUpdate if close1 or close2 or click_data: return not is_open return is_open def build_x_dropdown(is_open, pathname, inputs, chart_inputs, yaxis_data, map_data): if not is_open: raise PreventUpdate df = global_state.get_data(get_data_id(pathname)) all_inputs = combine_inputs( dash_app, inputs, chart_inputs, yaxis_data, map_data ) chart_type, x, y, z, group, map_val, animate_by = ( all_inputs.get(p) for p in ["chart_type", "x", "y", "z", "group", "map_val", "animate_by"] ) if chart_type == "maps": if all_inputs.get("map_type") == "choropleth": x = all_inputs["loc"] else: x = "lat_lon" x_options = build_selections(map_val, animate_by) else: x_options = build_selections(z or y, animate_by) col_opts = list(build_cols(df.columns, get_dtypes(df))) x_options = [build_option(c, l) for c, l in col_opts if c not in x_options] return x_options, x def update_click_data( click_data, pathname, inputs, chart_inputs, yaxis_data, map_data, current_click_data, drilldowns_on, ): if not drilldowns_on: raise PreventUpdate all_inputs = combine_inputs( dash_app, inputs, chart_inputs, yaxis_data, map_data ) if (all_inputs.get("agg") or "raw") == "raw": raise PreventUpdate if not click_data: raise PreventUpdate data_id = get_data_id(pathname) chart_type = all_inputs.get("chart_type") click_data = click_data or current_click_data click_point = next((p for p in click_data.get("points", [])), None) if chart_type == "maps": props = [["location", "loc"], "lat", "lon"] val = ["z", "map_val"] else: props = ["x"] val = "y" if click_point.get("z"): props = ["x", "y"] val = "z" header = build_drilldown_title(data_id, all_inputs, click_point, props, val) return click_data, header def load_drilldown_content( _click_data_ts, drilldown_type, drilldown_x, pathname, inputs, chart_inputs, yaxis_data, map_data, click_data, drilldowns_on, ): if not drilldowns_on: raise PreventUpdate all_inputs = combine_inputs( dash_app, inputs, chart_inputs, yaxis_data, map_data ) agg = all_inputs.get("agg") or "raw" chart_type = all_inputs.get("chart_type") frame_col = all_inputs.get("animate_by") all_inputs.pop("animate_by", None) if agg == "raw": raise PreventUpdate if drilldown_x is None and chart_type != "maps": raise PreventUpdate if click_data: click_point = next((p for p in click_data.get("points", [])), None) if click_point: data_id = get_data_id(pathname) curr_settings = global_state.get_settings(data_id) or {} query = build_query( data_id, all_inputs.get("query") or curr_settings.get("query") ) x_col = all_inputs.get("x") y_col = next((y2 for y2 in make_list(all_inputs.get("y"))), None) if chart_type in ZAXIS_CHARTS: x, y, z, frame = ( click_point.get(p) for p in ["x", "y", "z", "customdata"] ) if chart_type == "heatmap": click_point_vals = {} for dim in click_point["text"].split("<br>"): prop, val = dim.split(": ") click_point_vals[prop] = val x, y, frame = ( click_point_vals.get(p) for p in [x_col, y_col, frame_col] ) point_filter = {x_col: x, y_col: y} if frame_col: point_filter[frame_col] = frame if drilldown_type == "histogram": z_col = next( (z2 for z2 in make_list(all_inputs.get("z"))), None ) hist_chart = build_histogram( data_id, z_col, query, point_filter ) return hist_chart, dict(display="none") else: xy_query = build_group_inputs_filter( global_state.get_data(data_id), [point_filter], ) if not query: query = xy_query else: query = "({}) and ({})".format(query, xy_query) all_inputs["query"] = query all_inputs["chart_type"] = drilldown_type all_inputs["agg"] = "raw" all_inputs["modal"] = True all_inputs["x"] = drilldown_x all_inputs["y"] = [all_inputs["z"]] chart, _, _ = build_chart(get_data_id(pathname), **all_inputs) return chart, None elif chart_type == "maps": map_type = all_inputs.get("map_type") point_filter = {} if frame_col: point_filter[frame_col] = click_point["customdata"] if map_type == "choropleth": point_filter[all_inputs["loc"]] = click_point["location"] elif map_type == "scattergeo": lat, lon = (click_point.get(p) for p in ["lat", "lon"]) point_filter[all_inputs["lat"]] = lat point_filter[all_inputs["lon"]] = lon map_val = all_inputs["map_val"] if drilldown_type == "histogram": hist_chart = build_histogram( data_id, map_val, query, point_filter ) return hist_chart, dict(display="none") else: map_query = build_group_inputs_filter( global_state.get_data(data_id), [point_filter], ) if not query: query = map_query else: query = "({}) and ({})".format(query, map_query) all_inputs["query"] = query all_inputs["chart_type"] = drilldown_type all_inputs["agg"] = "raw" all_inputs["modal"] = True data_id = get_data_id(pathname) data = global_state.get_data(data_id) all_inputs["x"] = drilldown_x x_style = None if map_type != "choropleth": all_inputs["x"] = "lat_lon" lat, lon = (all_inputs.get(p) for p in ["lat", "lon"]) data.loc[:, "lat_lon"] = ( data[lat].astype(str) + "|" + data[lon].astype(str) ) x_style = dict(display="none") all_inputs["y"] = [map_val] chart, _, _ = build_chart(data_id, data=data, **all_inputs) return chart, x_style else: x_filter = click_point.get("x") point_filter = {x_col: x_filter} if frame_col: point_filter[frame_col] = click_point.get("customdata") if drilldown_type == "histogram": hist_chart = build_histogram( data_id, y_col, query, point_filter ) return hist_chart, dict(display="none") else: x_query = build_group_inputs_filter( global_state.get_data(data_id), [point_filter], ) if not query: query = x_query else: query = "({}) and ({})".format(query, x_query) all_inputs["query"] = query all_inputs["chart_type"] = drilldown_type all_inputs["agg"] = "raw" all_inputs["modal"] = True all_inputs["x"] = drilldown_x chart, _, _ = build_chart(get_data_id(pathname), **all_inputs) return chart, None return None, dict(display="none") for i in range(1, MAX_GROUPS + 1): dash_app.callback( Output("drilldown-modal-{}".format(i), "is_open"), [ Input("close-drilldown-modal-{}".format(i), "n_clicks"), Input("close-drilldown-modal-header-{}".format(i), "n_clicks"), Input("chart-{}".format(i), "clickData"), ], [ State("drilldown-modal-{}".format(i), "is_open"), State("input-data", "data"), State("drilldown-toggle", "on"), ], )(toggle_modal) dash_app.callback( [ Output("chart-click-data-{}".format(i), "data"), Output("drilldown-modal-header-{}".format(i), "children"), ], [Input("chart-{}".format(i), "clickData")], [ State("url", "pathname"), State("input-data", "data"), State("chart-input-data", "data"), State("yaxis-data", "data"), State("map-input-data", "data"), State("chart-click-data-{}".format(i), "data"), State("drilldown-toggle", "on"), ], )(update_click_data) dash_app.callback( [ Output("drilldown-x-dropdown-{}".format(i), "options"), Output("drilldown-x-dropdown-{}".format(i), "value"), ], [Input("drilldown-modal-{}".format(i), "is_open")], [ State("url", "pathname"), State("input-data", "data"), State("chart-input-data", "data"), State("yaxis-data", "data"), State("map-input-data", "data"), ], )(build_x_dropdown) dash_app.callback( [ Output("drilldown-content-{}".format(i), "children"), Output("drilldown-x-input-{}".format(i), "style"), ], [ Input("chart-click-data-{}".format(i), "modified_timestamp"), Input("drilldown-chart-type-{}".format(i), "value"), Input("drilldown-x-dropdown-{}".format(i), "value"), ], [ State("url", "pathname"), State("input-data", "data"), State("chart-input-data", "data"), State("yaxis-data", "data"), State("map-input-data", "data"), State("chart-click-data-{}".format(i), "data"), State("drilldown-toggle", "on"), ], )(load_drilldown_content)