Source code for dtale.utils

from __future__ import division

import decimal
import json
import os
import socket
import sys
import time
from builtins import map, object
from logging import getLogger

from flask import jsonify as _jsonify

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from past.utils import old_div
from six import PY3

import dtale.global_state as global_state

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def running_with_pytest(): """ Checks to see if D-Tale has been initiated from test :return: `True` if executed from test, `False` otherwise :rtype: bool """ return hasattr(sys, '_called_from_test')
[docs]def running_with_flask_debug(): """ Checks to see if D-Tale has been initiated from Flask :return: `True` if executed from test, `False` otherwise :rtype: bool """ return os.environ.get('WERKZEUG_RUN_MAIN') == 'true'
[docs]def get_host(host=None): """ Returns host input if it exists otherwise the output of :func:`python:socket.gethostname` :param host: hostname, can start with 'http://', 'https://' or just the hostname itself :type host: str, optional :return: str """ def is_valid_host(host): try: socket.gethostbyname(host.split('://')[-1]) return True except BaseException: return False if host is None: socket_host = socket.gethostname() if is_valid_host(socket_host): return socket_host return 'localhost' if is_valid_host(host): return host raise Exception('Hostname ({}) is not recognized'.format(host))
[docs]def build_url(port, host): """ Returns full url combining host(if not specified will use the output of :func:`python:socket.gethostname`) & port :param port: integer string for the port to be used by the :class:`flask:flask.Flask` process :type port: str :param host: hostname, can start with 'http://', 'https://' or just the hostname itself :type host: str, optional :return: str """ final_port = ':{}'.format(port) if port is not None else '' if (host or '').startswith('http'): return '{}{}'.format(host, final_port) return 'http://{}{}'.format(host, final_port)
[docs]def build_shutdown_url(base): """ Builds the shutdown endpoint for the specified port :param port: integer string for a D-Tale process's port :type port: str :return: URL string of the shutdown endpoint for the current server and port passed """ return '{}/shutdown'.format(base)
[docs]def get_str_arg(r, name, default=None): """ Retrieve argument from :attr:`flask:flask.request` and convert to string :param r: :attr:`flask:flask.request` :param name: argument name :type: str :param default: default value if parameter is non-existent, defaults to None :return: string argument value """ val = r.args.get(name) if val is None or val == '': return default else: try: return str(val) except BaseException: return default
[docs]def get_json_arg(r, name, default=None): """ Retrieve argument from :attr:`flask:flask.request` and parse JSON to python data structure :param r: :attr:`flask:flask.request` :param name: argument name :type: str :param default: default value if parameter is non-existent, defaults to None :return: parsed JSON """ val = r.args.get(name) if val is None or val == '': return default else: return json.loads(val)
[docs]def get_int_arg(r, name, default=None): """ Retrieve argument from :attr:`flask:flask.request` and convert to integer :param r: :attr:`flask:flask.request` :param name: argument name :type: str :param default: default value if parameter is non-existent, defaults to None :return: integer argument value """ val = r.args.get(name) if val is None or val == '': return default else: try: return int(val) except BaseException: return default
[docs]def get_float_arg(r, name, default=None): """ Retrieve argument from :attr:`flask:flask.request` and convert to float :param r: :attr:`flask:flask.request` :param name: argument name :type: str :param default: default value if parameter is non-existent, defaults to None :return: float argument value """ val = r.args.get(name) if val is None or val == '': return default else: try: return float(val) except BaseException: return default
[docs]def get_bool_arg(r, name): """ Retrieve argument from :attr:`flask:flask.request` and convert to boolean :param r: :attr:`flask:flask.request` :param name: argument name :type: str :return: `True` if lowercase value equals 'true', `False` otherwise """ return r.args.get(name, 'false').lower() == 'true'
[docs]def json_string(x, nan_display='', **kwargs): """ convert value to string to be used within JSON output If a :class:`python.UnicodeEncodeError` occurs then :func:`python:str.encode` will be called on input :param x: value to be converted to string :param nan_display: if `x` is :attr:`numpy:numpy.nan` then return this value :return: string value :rtype: str """ if x: try: return str(x) except UnicodeEncodeError: return x.encode('utf-8') except BaseException as ex: logger.exception(ex) return nan_display
[docs]def json_int(x, nan_display='', as_string=False, fmt='{:,d}'): """ Convert value to integer to be used within JSON output :param x: value to be converted to integer :param nan_display: if `x` is :attr:`numpy:numpy.nan` then return this value :param as_string: return integer as a formatted string (EX: 1,000,000) :return: integer value :rtype: int """ try: if not np.isnan(x) and not np.isinf(x): return fmt.format(int(x)) if as_string else int(x) return nan_display except BaseException: return nan_display
# hack to solve issues with formatting floats with a precision more than 4 decimal points # DECIMAL_CTX = decimal.Context() DECIMAL_CTX.prec = 20
[docs]def json_float(x, precision=2, nan_display='nan', inf_display='inf', as_string=False): """ Convert value to float to be used within JSON output :param x: value to be converted to integer :param precision: precision of float to be returned :param nan_display: if `x` is :attr:`numpy:numpy.nan` then return this value :param inf_display: if `x` is :attr:`numpy:numpy.inf` then return this value :param as_string: return float as a formatted string (EX: 1,234.5643) :return: float value :rtype: float """ try: if np.isinf(x): return inf_display if not np.isnan(x): output = float(round(x, precision)) if as_string: str_output = format(DECIMAL_CTX.create_decimal(repr(x)), ',.{}f'.format(str(precision))) # drop trailing zeroes off & trailing decimal points if necessary return str_output.rstrip('0').rstrip('.') return output return nan_display except BaseException: return nan_display
[docs]def json_date(x, fmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', nan_display='', **kwargs): """ Convert value to date string to be used within JSON output :param x: value to be converted to date string :param fmt: the data string formatting to be applied :param nan_display: if `x` is :attr:`numpy:numpy.nan` then return this value :return: date string value :rtype: str (YYYY-MM-DD) """ try: # calling unique on a pandas datetime column returns numpy datetime64 output = (pd.Timestamp(x) if isinstance(x, np.datetime64) else x).strftime(fmt) empty_time = ' 00:00:00' if output.endswith(empty_time): return output[:-1 * len(empty_time)] return output except BaseException: return nan_display
[docs]def json_timestamp(x, nan_display='', **kwargs): """ Convert value to timestamp (milliseconds) to be used within JSON output :param x: value to be converted to milliseconds :param nan_display: if `x` is :attr:`numpy:numpy.nan` then return this value :return: millisecond value :rtype: bigint """ try: output = (pd.Timestamp(x) if isinstance(x, np.datetime64) else x) output = int((time.mktime(output.timetuple()) + (old_div(output.microsecond, 1000000.0))) * 1000) return output except BaseException: return nan_display
[docs]class JSONFormatter(object): """ Class for formatting dictionaries and lists of dictionaries into JSON compliant data :Example: >>> nan_display = 'nan' >>> f = JSONFormatter(nan_display) >>> f.add_int(1, 'a') >>> f.add_float(2, 'b') >>> f.add_string(3, 'c') >>> jsonify(f.format_dicts([dict(a=1, b=2.0, c='c')])) """ def __init__(self, nan_display=''): self.fmts = [] self.nan_display = nan_display
[docs] def add_string(self, idx, name=None): self.fmts.append([idx, name, json_string])
[docs] def add_int(self, idx, name=None, as_string=False): def f(x, nan_display): return json_int(x, nan_display=nan_display, as_string=as_string) self.fmts.append([idx, name, f])
[docs] def add_float(self, idx, name=None, precision=6, as_string=False): def f(x, nan_display): return json_float(x, precision, nan_display=nan_display, as_string=as_string) self.fmts.append([idx, name, f])
[docs] def add_timestamp(self, idx, name=None): self.fmts.append([idx, name, json_timestamp])
[docs] def add_date(self, idx, name=None, fmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): def f(x, nan_display): return json_date(x, fmt=fmt, nan_display=nan_display) self.fmts.append([idx, name, f])
[docs] def add_json(self, idx, name=None): def f(x, nan_display): if x is None or pd.isnull(x): return None return x self.fmts.append([idx, name, f])
[docs] def format_dict(self, lst): return {name: f(lst[idx], nan_display=self.nan_display) for idx, name, f in self.fmts}
[docs] def format_dicts(self, lsts): return [self.format_dict(l) for l in lsts]
[docs] def format_lists(self, df): return { name: [f(v, nan_display=self.nan_display) for v in df[name].values] for _idx, name, f in self.fmts if name in df.columns }
[docs] def format_df(self, df): formatters = {col: f for _idx, col, f in self.fmts} cols = [col for col in df.columns if col in formatters] return pd.concat( [df[col].apply(lambda v: formatters[col](v, nan_display=self.nan_display)) for col in cols], axis=1 )
[docs]def classify_type(type_name): """ :param type_name: string label for value from :meth:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame.dtypes` :return: shortened string label for dtype S = str B = bool F = float I = int D = timestamp or datetime TD = timedelta :rtype: str """ lower_type_name = (type_name or '').lower() if lower_type_name.startswith('str'): return 'S' if lower_type_name.startswith('bool'): return 'B' if lower_type_name.startswith('float'): return 'F' if lower_type_name.startswith('int'): return 'I' if any([t for t in ['timestamp', 'datetime'] if lower_type_name.startswith(t)]): return 'D' if lower_type_name.startswith('timedelta'): return 'TD' return 'S'
[docs]def retrieve_grid_params(req, props=None): """ Pull out grid parameters from :attr:`flask:flask.request` arguments and return as a `dict` :param req: :attr:`flask:flask.request` :param props: argument names :type props: list :return: dictionary of argument/value pairs :rtype: dict """ params = dict() filters = get_str_arg(req, 'filters') if filters: params['filters'] = json.loads(filters) params['query'] = get_str_arg(req, 'query') params['page'] = get_int_arg(req, 'page', 1) params['page_size'] = get_int_arg(req, 'page_size') params['sort_column'] = get_str_arg(req, 'sortColumn') params['sort_direction'] = get_str_arg(req, 'sortDirection') sort = get_str_arg(req, 'sort') if sort: params['sort'] = json.loads(sort) if props: return filter_params(params, props) return params
[docs]def filter_params(params, props): """ Return list of values from dictionary for list of keys """ return list(map(params.get, props))
[docs]def sort_df_for_grid(df, params): """ Sort dataframe based on 'sort' property in parameter dictionary. Sort configuration is of the following shape: { sort: [ [col1, ASC], [col2, DESC], ... ] } :param df: dataframe :type df: :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` :param params: arguments from :attr:`flask:flask.request` :type params: dict :return: sorted dataframe :rtype: :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` """ if 'sort' in params: cols, dirs = [], [] for col, dir in params['sort']: cols.append(col) dirs.append(dir == 'ASC') return df.sort_values(cols, ascending=dirs) return df.sort_index()
[docs]def filter_df_for_grid(df, params, context_vars): """ Filter dataframe based on 'filters' property in parameter dictionary. Filter configuration is of the following shape: { filters: { col1: { value: { type: 1, # Equals value: 1.0 } type: 'NumericFilter' }, col2: { value: { type: 2, # Range begin: 1.0, end: 2.0 } type: 'NumericFilter' }, col3: { value: { type: 3, # GreaterThan value: 1.0 } type: 'NumericFilter' }, col4: { value: { type: 4, # LessThan value: 1.0 } type: 'NumericFilter' }, col5: { value: 'aaaa' # contains 'aaaa' type: 'StringFilter' }, col6: { value: '2000-01-01' # contains '2000-01-01' type: 'StringFilter' }, col7: { value: '=aaaa' # equals 'aaaa' type: 'StringFilter' } }, query: 'col1 === 1' } :param df: dataframe :type df: :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` :param params: arguments from :attr:`flask:flask.request` :type params: dict :param context_vars: a dictionary of the variables that will be available for use in user-defined expressions :type context_vars: dict :return: filtering dataframe :rtype: :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` """ data_type_info = get_dtypes(df) for col, filter_cfg in params.get('filters', {}).items(): filter_val = filter_cfg['value'] if filter_cfg.get('type') == 'NumericFilter': for numeric_operation in filter_val: operation_type = numeric_operation['type'] df_filter = None if operation_type == 2: # Range begin = numeric_operation.get('begin') end = numeric_operation.get('end') if begin is not None and end is not None: df_filter = ((df[col] >= begin) & (df[col] <= end)) elif numeric_operation.get('value') is not None: operation_val = numeric_operation['value'] if operation_type == 1: # Number df_filter = df[col] == operation_val elif operation_type == 3: # GreaterThan df_filter = df[col] > operation_val elif operation_type == 4: # LessThan df_filter = df[col] < operation_val if df_filter is not None: df = df[df_filter] else: # this catches StringFilter values stringified_col = df[col] if classify_type(data_type_info[col]) == 'D': stringified_col = df[col].apply(lambda d: d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) if filter_val.startswith('='): df = df[stringified_col.astype(str) == filter_val[1:]] else: df = df[stringified_col.astype(str).str.lower().str.contains(filter_val.lower(), na=False)] df = run_query(df, params.get('query'), context_vars) return df
[docs]def find_dtype(s): """ Helper function to determine the dtype of a :class:`pandas:pandas.Series` """ if == 'object': return pd.api.types.infer_dtype(s, skipna=True) else: return
[docs]def get_dtypes(df): """ Build dictionary of column/dtype name pairs from :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` """ def _load(): for col in df.columns: yield col, find_dtype(df[col]) return dict(list(_load()))
[docs]def grid_columns(df): """ Build list of {name, dtype} dictionaries for columns in :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` """ data_type_info = get_dtypes(df) return [dict(name=c, dtype=data_type_info[c]) for c in df.columns]
DF_MAPPINGS = { 'I': lambda f, i, c: f.add_int(i, c), 'D': lambda f, i, c: f.add_date(i, c), 'F': lambda f, i, c: f.add_float(i, c), 'S': lambda f, i, c: f.add_string(i, c) }
[docs]def find_dtype_formatter(dtype, overrides=None): type_classification = classify_type(dtype) if type_classification in (overrides or {}): return overrides[type_classification] if type_classification == 'I': return json_int if type_classification == 'D': return json_date if type_classification == 'F': return json_float return json_string
[docs]def grid_formatter(col_types, nan_display='', overrides=None): """ Build :class:`dtale.utils.JSONFormatter` from :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` """ f = JSONFormatter(nan_display) mappings = dict_merge(DF_MAPPINGS, overrides or {}) for i, ct in enumerate(col_types, 1): c, dtype = map(ct.get, ['name', 'dtype']) type_classification = classify_type(dtype) mappings.get(type_classification, DF_MAPPINGS['S'])(f, i, c) return f
[docs]def format_grid(df): """ Translate :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` to well-formed JSON. Structure is as follows: { results: [ {col1: val1_row1,...,colN: valN_row1}, ..., {col1: val1_rowN,...,colN: valN_rowN}, ], columns: [ {name: col1, dtype: int}, ..., {name: colN, dtype: float}, ] } :param df: dataframe :type df: :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` :return: JSON """ col_types = grid_columns(df) f = grid_formatter(col_types) return { 'results': f.format_dicts(df.itertuples()), 'columns': col_types }
[docs]def handle_error(error_info): """ Boilerplate exception messaging """ logger.exception("Exception occurred while processing request: {}".format(error_info.get('error')))
[docs]def jsonify(return_data={}, **kwargs): """ Overriding Flask's jsonify method to account for extra error handling :param return_data: dictionary of data to be passed to :meth:`flask:flask.jsonify` :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments merged into return_data :return: output of :meth:`flask:flask.jsonify` """ if isinstance(return_data, dict) and return_data.get('error'): handle_error(return_data) return _jsonify(dict_merge(dict(success=False), dict_merge(kwargs, return_data))) if len(kwargs): return _jsonify(dict_merge(kwargs, return_data)) return _jsonify(return_data)
[docs]def find_selected_column(data, col): """ In case we come across a series which after reset_index() it's columns are [date, security_id, values] in which case we want the last column :param data: dataframe :type data: :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` :param col: column name :type col: str :return: column name if it exists within the dataframe's columns, the last column within the dataframe otherwise :rtype: str """ return col if col in data.columns else data.columns[-1]
[docs]def make_list(vals): """ Convert a value that is optionally list or scalar into a list """ if vals is None: return [] elif isinstance(vals, (list, tuple)): return vals else: return [vals]
[docs]def dict_merge(d1, d2, *args): """ Merges two dictionaries. Items of the second dictionary will replace items of the first dictionary if there are any overlaps. Either dictionary can be None. An empty dictionary {} will be returned if both dictionaries are None. :param d1: First dictionary can be None :type d1: dict :param d2: Second dictionary can be None :type d1: dict :return: new dictionary with the contents of d2 overlaying the contents of d1 :rtype: dict """ def _dict_merge(d11, d12): if not d11: return d12 or {} elif not d12: return d11 or {} return dict(list(d11.items()) + list(d12.items())) ret = _dict_merge(d1, d2) for d in args: ret = _dict_merge(ret, d) return ret
[docs]def flatten_lists(lists): """ Take an iterable containing iterables and flatten them into one list. - [[1], [2], [3, 4]] => [1, 2, 3, 4] """ return [item for sublist in lists for item in sublist]
[docs]def divide_chunks(l, n): """ Break list input 'l' up into smaller lists of size 'n' """ # looping till length l for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n]
[docs]def run_query(df, query, context_vars=None): """ Utility function for running :func:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame.query` . This function contains extra logic to handle when column names contain special characters. Looks like pandas will be handling this in a future version: The logic to handle these special characters in the meantime is only available in Python 3+ :param df: input dataframe :type df: :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` :param query: query string :type query: str :param context_vars: dictionary of user-defined variables which can be referenced by name in query strings :type context_vars: dict, optional :return: filtered dataframe """ if (query or '') == '': return df # only supporting filter cleanup for python 3+ if PY3: invalid_column_names = [x for x in df.columns.values if not x.isidentifier()] # Make replacements in the query and keep track # NOTE: This method fails if the frame has columns called REPL_0 etc. replacements = dict() final_query = str(query) for cn in invalid_column_names: r = 'REPL_{}'.format(str(invalid_column_names.index(cn))) final_query = final_query.replace(cn, r) replacements[cn] = r inv_replacements = {replacements[k]: k for k in replacements.keys()} df = df.rename(columns=replacements) df = df.query(final_query, local_dict=context_vars or {}) df = df.rename(columns=inv_replacements) else: df = df.query(query, local_dict=context_vars or {}) if not len(df): raise Exception('query "{}" found no data, please alter'.format(query)) return df
[docs]class DuplicateDataError(Exception): """ Exception for signalling that similar data is trying to be loaded to D-Tale again. Is this correct? """ def __init__(self, data_id): super(DuplicateDataError, self).__init__("Duplicate Data") self.data_id = data_id
[docs]def build_code_export(data_id, imports='import pandas as pd\n\n', query=None): """ Helper function for building a string representing the code that was run to get the data you are viewing to that point. :param data_id: integer string identifier for a D-Tale process's data :type data_id: str :param imports: string representing the imports at the top of the code string :type imports: string, optional :param query: pandas dataframe query string :type query: str, optional :return: python code string """ history = global_state.get_history(data_id) or [] settings = global_state.get_settings(data_id) or {} ctxt_vars = global_state.get_context_variables(data_id) startup_str = ( "# DISCLAIMER: 'df' refers to the data you passed in when calling ''\n\n" '{imports}' 'if isinstance(df, (pd.DatetimeIndex, pd.MultiIndex)):\n' '\tdf = df.to_frame(index=False)\n\n' '# remove any pre-existing indices for ease of use in the D-Tale code, but this is not required\n' "df = df.reset_index().drop('index', axis=1, errors='ignore')\n" 'df.columns = [str(c) for c in df.columns] # update columns to strings in case they are numbers\n' ).format(imports=imports) final_history = [startup_str] + history final_query = query if final_query is None: final_query = settings.get('query') if final_query is not None: if len(ctxt_vars or {}): final_history.append(( "\n# this is injecting any context variables you may have passed into ''\n" "import dtale.global_state as dtale_global_state\n" "\n# DISCLAIMER: running this line in a different process than the one it originated will produce\n" "# differing results\n" "ctxt_vars = dtale_global_state.get_context_variables('{data_id}')\n\n" "df = df.query('{query}', local_dict=ctx_vars)\n" ).format(query=final_query, data_id=data_id)) else: final_history.append("df = df.query('{}')\n".format(final_query)) elif 'query' in settings: final_history.append("df = df.query('{}')\n".format(settings['query'])) if 'sort' in settings: cols, dirs = [], [] for col, dir in settings['sort']: cols.append(col) dirs.append('True' if dir == 'ASC' else 'False') final_history.append("df = df.sort_values(['{cols}'], ascending=[{dirs}])\n".format( cols=', '.join(cols), dirs="', '".join(dirs) )) return final_history