dtale.cli.loaders package


dtale.cli.loaders.arctic_loader module


Arctic implementation of data loader which will return a function if any of the click options based on LOADER_KEY & LOADER_PROPS have been used, otherwise return None

Parameters:kwargs – Optional keyword arguments to be passed from click
Returns:data loader function for arctic implementation
dtale.cli.loaders.arctic_loader.logger = <Logger dtale.cli.loaders.arctic_loader (WARNING)>

IMPORTANT!!! This global variable is required for building any customized CLI loader. When find loaders on startup it will search for any modules containing the global variable LOADER_KEY.


dtale.cli.loaders.csv_loader module


CSV implementation of data loader which will return a function if any of the click options based on LOADER_KEY & LOADER_PROPS have been used, otherwise return None

Parameters:kwargs – Optional keyword arguments to be passed from click
Returns:data loader function for CSV implementation

dtale.cli.loaders.json_loader module


JSON implementation of data loader which will return a function if any of the click options based on LOADER_KEY & LOADER_PROPS have been used, otherwise return None

Parameters:kwargs – Optional keyword arguments to be passed from click
Returns:data loader function for JSON implementation

Module contents

dtale.cli.loaders.build_custom_module_loader_args(fname, path)[source]

Utility function executed at runtime to load dynamic CLI options from the environment variable, DTALE_CLI_LOADERS. You either override one of the two default loader configurations, arctic or csv, or create a brand new configuration which can be referenced from the command line.


Utility function to find which CLI loader is being used based on the click options/flags provided from the command line


Utility function for using different module loaders based on python version: * dtale.cli.loaders.get_py35_loader() * dtale.cli.loaders.get_py33_loader() * dtale.cli.loaders.get_py2_loader()

dtale.cli.loaders.get_py2_loader(fname, path)[source]

Utility function for loading dynamic modules (CLI configurations) when python_version < 3

dtale.cli.loaders.get_py33_loader(fname, path)[source]

Utility function for loading dynamic modules (CLI configurations) when python_version in (3.3, 3.4)

dtale.cli.loaders.get_py35_loader(fname, path)[source]

Utility function for loading dynamic modules (CLI configurations) when python_version >= 3.5


Utility function executed at runtime to find dynamic CLI options as well as the defaults and create their click decorators to keyword arguments will be processed accordingly.
