Source code for dtale.dash_application.layout

import json

import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_daq as daq
import dash_html_components as html
import plotly
from pkg_resources import parse_version

from dtale.charts.utils import YAXIS_CHARTS, ZAXIS_CHARTS, find_group_vals
from dtale.utils import (ChartBuildingError, classify_type, dict_merge,
                         flatten_lists, get_dtypes, inner_build_query,

[docs]def test_plotly_version(version_num): if 'unknown' in plotly.__version__: return True return parse_version(plotly.__version__) >= parse_version(version_num)
[docs]def base_layout(github_fork, **kwargs): """ Base layout to be returned by :meth:`dtale.dash_application.views.DtaleDash.interpolate_index` :param github_fork: `True` if "Fork me on Github" banner should be displayed, `False` otherwise :type github_fork: bool :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments to be passed to 'dash.Dash.interplolate_index' :type kwargs: dict :return: HTML :rtype: str """ back_to_data_padding, github_fork_html = ('', '') if github_fork: back_to_data_padding = 'padding-right: 125px' github_fork_html = ''' <span id="forkongithub"> <a href="">Fork me on GitHub</a> </span> ''' return ''' <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> {metas} <title>D-Tale Charts</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../../images/favicon.png"> {css} </head> <body> {github_fork_html} <div class="container-fluid charts"> <div class="row" style="margin: 0"> <div class="col-auto"> <header> <span class="title-font">D-TALE</span> <span style="font-size: 16px" class="pl-4">Charts</span> </header> </div> <div class="col"></div> <div class="col-auto mt-4" style="{back_to_data_padding}"> <a href="#" onclick="javascript:backToData()"> <i class="fas fa-th mr-4"></i> <span>Back To Data</span> </a> </div> </div> {app_entry} </div> <footer> {config} {scripts} <script type="text/javascript"> const pathSegs = window.location.pathname.split('/'); const dataId = pathSegs[pathSegs.length - 1]; const backToData = () =>'/dtale/main/' + dataId); const goToLegacy = () => location.replace('/dtale/popup/charts/' + dataId); </script> {renderer} {css} </footer> </body> </html> '''.format( metas=kwargs['metas'], css=kwargs['css'], app_entry=kwargs['app_entry'], config=kwargs['config'], scripts=kwargs['scripts'], renderer=kwargs['renderer'], back_to_data_padding=back_to_data_padding, github_fork_html=github_fork_html )
[docs]def build_input(label, input, className='col-auto', label_class='input-group-addon', **kwargs): """ Helper function to build a standard label/input component in dash. :param label: name of the input you are displaying :type label: str :param input: dash component for storing state :param className: style class to be applied to encapsulating div :type className: str :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments to be applied to encapsulating div (style, title, id...) :type kwargs: dict :return: dash components for label/input :rtype: :dash:`dash_html_components.Div <dash-html-components/div>` """ return html.Div( [ html.Div( [html.Span(label, className=label_class), input], className='input-group mr-3', ) ], className=className, **kwargs )
[docs]def build_tab(label, value, additional_style=None, **kwargs): """ Builds a :dash:`dash_core_components.Tab <dash-core-components/tab>` with standard styling settings. """ base_style = {'borderBottom': '1px solid #d6d6d6', 'padding': '6px'} return dcc.Tab( label=label, value=value, style=dict_merge(base_style, {'fontWeight': 'bold'}, additional_style or {}), disabled_style=dict_merge( base_style, {'fontWeight': 'bold', 'backgroundColor': 'LightGray', 'color': 'black', 'cursor': 'not-allowed'}, additional_style or {} ), selected_style=dict_merge( base_style, {'borderTop': '1px solid #d6d6d6', 'backgroundColor': '#2a91d1', 'color': 'white'}, additional_style or {} ), **kwargs)
[docs]def build_option(value, label=None): """ Returns value/label inputs in a dictionary for use in :dash:`dash_core_components.Dropdown <dash-core-components/Dropdown>` """ return {'label': label or value, 'value': value}
CHARTS = [ dict(value='line'), dict(value='bar'), dict(value='scatter'), dict(value='pie'), dict(value='wordcloud'), dict(value='heatmap'), dict(value='3d_scatter', label='3D Scatter'), dict(value='surface'), dict(value='maps', label='Maps') ] CHART_INPUT_SETTINGS = { 'line': dict(x=dict(type='single'), y=dict(type='multi'), z=dict(display=False), group=dict(display=True, type='single')), 'bar': dict(x=dict(type='single'), y=dict(type='multi'), z=dict(display=False), group=dict(display=True, type='single')), 'scatter': dict(x=dict(type='single'), y=dict(type='multi'), z=dict(display=False), group=dict(display=True, type='single')), 'pie': dict(x=dict(type='single'), y=dict(type='multi'), z=dict(display=False), group=dict(display=True, type='single')), 'wordcloud': dict(x=dict(type='single'), y=dict(type='multi'), z=dict(display=False), group=dict(display=True, type='single')), 'heatmap': dict(x=dict(type='single'), y=dict(type='single'), z=dict(display=True, type='single'), group=dict(display=False)), '3d_scatter': dict(x=dict(type='single'), y=dict(type='single'), z=dict(display=True, type='single'), group=dict(display=True)), 'surface': dict(x=dict(type='single'), y=dict(type='single'), z=dict(display=True, type='single'), group=dict(display=False)), 'maps': dict(x=dict(display=False), y=dict(display=False), z=dict(display=False), group=dict(display=False), map_group=dict(display=True)), } AGGS = dict( raw='No Aggregation', count='Count', nunique='Unique Count', sum='Sum', mean='Mean', rolling='Rolling', corr='Correlation', first='First', last='Last', median='Median', min='Minimum', max='Maximum', std='Standard Deviation', var='Variance', mad='Mean Absolute Deviation', prod='Product of All Items', pctct='Percentage Count', pctsum='Percentage Sum' ) FREQS = ['H', 'H2', 'WD', 'D', 'W', 'M', 'Q', 'Y'] FREQ_LABELS = dict(H='Hourly', H2='Hour', WD='Weekday', W='Weekly', M='Monthly', Q='Quarterly', Y='Yearly') MAP_TYPES = [dict(value='choropleth'), dict(value='scattergeo', label='ScatterGeo')] SCOPES = ['world', 'usa', 'europe', 'asia', 'africa', 'north america', 'south america'] PROJECTIONS = ['equirectangular', 'mercator', 'orthographic', 'natural earth', 'kavrayskiy7', 'miller', 'robinson', 'eckert4', 'azimuthal equal area', 'azimuthal equidistant', 'conic equal area', 'conic conformal', 'conic equidistant', 'gnomonic', 'stereographic', 'mollweide', 'hammer', 'transverse mercator', 'albers usa', 'winkel tripel', 'aitoff', 'sinusoidal']
[docs]def build_img_src(proj, img_type='projections'): return '/images/{}/{}.png'.format(img_type, '_'.join(proj.split(' ')))
[docs]def build_proj_hover_children(proj): if proj is None: return None return [ html.I(className='ico-help-outline', style=dict(color='white')), html.Div( [html.Div(proj), html.Img(src=build_img_src(proj))], className='hoverable__content', style=dict(width='auto') ) ]
[docs]def build_proj_hover(proj): return html.Span( [ 'Projection', html.Div( build_proj_hover_children(proj), className='ml-3 hoverable', style=dict(display='none') if proj is None else dict(borderBottom='none'), id='proj-hover' ) ], className='input-group-addon' )
LOC_MODE_INFO = { 'ISO-3': dict( url=html.A('ISO-3', href='', target='_blank'), examples=['USA (United States)', 'CAN (Canada)', 'GBR (United Kingdom)'] ), 'USA-states': dict( url=html.A('USA-states (use ISO)', href='', target='_blank'), examples=['NY (New York)', 'CA (California)', 'MA (Massachusetts)'] ), 'country names': dict( url=html.A('country names (case-insensitive)', href='', target='_blank'), examples=['United States', 'United Kingdom', 'Germany'] ) }
[docs]def build_loc_mode_hover_children(loc_mode): if loc_mode is None: return None loc_mode_cfg = LOC_MODE_INFO[loc_mode] return [ html.I(className='ico-help-outline', style=dict(color='white')), html.Div( [ html.Div([html.Span('View', className='mr-3'), loc_mode_cfg['url']]), html.Ul( [html.Li(e, style={'listStyleType': 'disc'}, className='mb-3') for e in loc_mode_cfg['examples']], className='pt-3 mb-0' ) ], className='hoverable__content build-code', style=dict(width='auto', whiteSpace='nowrap', left='-2em', top='auto') ) ]
[docs]def build_loc_mode_hover(loc_mode): return html.Span( [ html.Span('Location Mode', style=dict(whiteSpace='pre-line')), html.Div( build_loc_mode_hover_children(loc_mode), className='ml-3 hoverable', style=dict(display='none') if loc_mode is None else dict(borderBottom='none'), id='loc-mode-hover' ) ], className='input-group-addon pt-1 pb-0' )
COLORSCALES = ['Blackbody', 'Bluered', 'Blues', 'Earth', 'Electric', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'Hot', 'Jet', 'Picnic', 'Portland', 'Rainbow', 'RdBu', 'Reds', 'Viridis', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrRd'] ANIMATION_CHARTS = ['line'] ANIMATE_BY_CHARTS = ['bar', '3d_scatter', 'maps']
[docs]def show_input_handler(chart_type): settings = CHART_INPUT_SETTINGS.get(chart_type or 'line') or {} def _show_input(input_id, input_type='single'): cfg = settings.get(input_id, {}) return cfg.get('display', True) and cfg.get('type', 'single') == input_type return _show_input
[docs]def update_label_for_freq(val): """ Formats sub-values contained within 'val' to display date frequencies if included. - (val=['a', 'b', 'c']) => 'a, b, c' - (val=['a|H', 'b', 'c']) => 'a (Hour), b, c' """ def _freq_handler(sub_val): for freq in FREQS: if sub_val.endswith('|{}'.format(freq)): col, freq = sub_val.split('|') if freq in FREQ_LABELS: return '{} ({})'.format(col, FREQ_LABELS[freq]) return col return sub_val return ', '.join([_freq_handler(sub_val) for sub_val in make_list(val)])
[docs]def build_error(error, tb): """ Returns error/traceback information in standard component with styling :param error: execption message :type error: str :param tb: tracebackF :type tb: str :return: error component :rtype: :dash:`dash_html_components.Div <dash-html-components/div>` """ if isinstance(error, ChartBuildingError): if error.details: tb = error.details error = error.error return html.Div([ html.I(className='ico-error'), html.Span(str(error)), html.Div(html.Pre(str(tb)), className='traceback') ], className='dtale-alert alert alert-danger')
[docs]def build_cols(cols, dtypes): """ Helper function to add additional column entries for columns of type datetime so that users can make use of different frequencies of dates. For example, hour, weekday, month, quarter, year :param cols: columns in dataframe :type cols: list of strings :param dtypes: datatypes of columns in dataframe :type dtypes: dict :return: generator or columns + any additional (datetime column + frequency) options """ for c in cols: if classify_type(dtypes[c]) == 'D': for freq in FREQS: if freq in FREQ_LABELS: yield '{}|{}'.format(c, freq), '{} ({})'.format(c, FREQ_LABELS[freq]) else: yield c, c else: yield c, c
[docs]def build_selections(*args): """ simple helper function to build a single level list of values based on variable number of inputs which could be equal to None. """ return flatten_lists([[] if a is None else make_list(a) for a in args])
[docs]def build_input_options(df, **inputs): """ Builds dropdown options for (X, Y, Z, Group, Barsort & Y-Axis Ranges) with filtering based on currently selected values for the following inputs: x, y, z, group. """ chart_type, x, y, z, group = (inputs.get(p) for p in ['chart_type', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'group']) col_opts = list(build_cols(df.columns, get_dtypes(df))) group_val, z_val = (None, z) if chart_type in ZAXIS_CHARTS else (group, None) x_options = [build_option(c, l) for c, l in col_opts if c not in build_selections(y, z_val, group_val)] y_filter = build_selections(x, group_val, z_val) y_multi_options = [build_option(c, l) for c, l in col_opts if c not in y_filter] y_single_options = [build_option(c, l) for c, l in col_opts if c not in y_filter] z_options = [build_option(c) for c in df.columns if c not in build_selections(x, y, group_val)] group_options = [build_option(c, l) for c, l in col_opts if c not in build_selections(x, y, z_val)] barsort_options = [build_option(o) for o in build_selections(x, y)] yaxis_options = [build_option(y2) for y2 in y or []] return x_options, y_multi_options, y_single_options, z_options, group_options, barsort_options, yaxis_options
[docs]def build_map_options(df, type='choropleth', loc=None, lat=None, lon=None, map_val=None): dtypes = get_dtypes(df) cols = sorted(dtypes.keys()) float_cols, str_cols, num_cols = [], [], [] for c in cols: dtype = dtypes[c] classification = classify_type(dtype) if classification == 'S': str_cols.append(c) continue if classification in ['F', 'I']: num_cols.append(c) if classification == 'F': float_cols.append(c) lat_options = [build_option(c) for c in float_cols if c not in build_selections(lon, map_val)] lon_options = [build_option(c) for c in float_cols if c not in build_selections(lat, map_val)] loc_options = [build_option(c) for c in str_cols if c not in build_selections(map_val)] if type == 'choropleth': val_options = [build_option(c) for c in num_cols if c not in build_selections(loc)] else: val_options = [build_option(c) for c in num_cols if c not in build_selections(lon, lat)] return loc_options, lat_options, lon_options, val_options
[docs]def bar_input_style(**inputs): """ Sets display CSS property for bar chart inputs """ return dict(display='block' if inputs.get('chart_type') == 'bar' else 'none')
[docs]def colorscale_input_style(**inputs): return dict(display='block' if inputs.get('chart_type') in ['heatmap', 'maps'] else 'none')
[docs]def animate_styles(df, **inputs): chart_type, cpg = (inputs.get(p) for p in ['chart_type', 'cpg']) opts = [] if cpg: return dict(display='none'), dict(display='none'), opts if chart_type in ANIMATION_CHARTS: return dict(display='block'), dict(display='none'), opts if chart_type in ANIMATE_BY_CHARTS: opts = [build_option(v, l) for v, l in build_cols(df.columns, get_dtypes(df))] if len(opts): return dict(display='none'), dict(display='block'), opts return dict(display='none'), dict(display='none'), []
[docs]def show_chart_per_group(**inputs): """ Boolean function to determine whether "Chart Per Group" toggle should be displayed or not """ [chart_type, group] = [inputs.get(p) for p in ['chart_type', 'group']] invalid_type = chart_type in ['pie', 'wordcloud', 'maps'] return show_input_handler(chart_type)('group') and len(group or []) and not invalid_type
[docs]def show_yaxis_ranges(**inputs): """ Boolean function to determine whether "Y-Axis Range" inputs should be displayed or not """ chart_type, y = (inputs.get(p) for p in ['chart_type', 'y']) return chart_type in YAXIS_CHARTS and len(y or [])
[docs]def get_yaxis_type_tabs(y): tabs = [ build_tab('Default', 'default', {'padding': '2px', 'minWidth': '4em'}), build_tab('Single', 'single', {'padding': '2px', 'minWidth': '4em'}), ] if len(y) <= 1: return tabs return tabs + [build_tab('Multi', 'multi', {'padding': '2px', 'minWidth': '4em'})]
[docs]def build_group_val_options(df, group_cols): group_vals = find_group_vals(df, group_cols) return [ build_option(json.dumps(gv), '|'.join([str(gv.get(p, 'NaN')) for p in group_cols])) for gv in group_vals ]
[docs]def build_map_type_tabs(map_type): def _build_hoverable(): for t in MAP_TYPES: yield html.Div([ html.Span(t.get('label', t['value'].capitalize())), html.Img(src=build_img_src(t['value'], img_type='map_type')) ], className='col-md-6') return html.Div( [dcc.Tabs( id='map-type-tabs', value=map_type or 'choropleth', children=[build_tab(t.get('label', t['value'].capitalize()), t['value']) for t in MAP_TYPES], style=dict(height='36px'), ), html.Div( html.Div(list(_build_hoverable()), className='row'), className='hoverable__content map-types' )], style=dict(paddingLeft=15, borderBottom='none'), className="pr-5 hoverable" )
[docs]def main_inputs_and_group_val_display(inputs): chart_type = inputs.get('chart_type') show_group = show_input_handler(inputs.get('chart_type', 'line'))('group') if chart_type == 'maps' and not len(make_list(inputs.get('map_group'))): return dict(display='none'), 'col-md-12' elif show_group and not len(make_list(inputs.get('group'))): return dict(display='none'), 'col-md-12' return dict(display='block'), 'col-md-8'
[docs]def charts_layout(df, settings, **inputs): """ Builds main dash inputs with dropdown options populated with the columns of the dataframe associated with the page. Inputs included are: chart tabs, query, x, y, z, group, aggregation, rolling window/computation, chart per group toggle, bar sort, bar mode, y-axis range editors :param df: dataframe to drive the charts built on page :type df: :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` :param settings: global settings associated with this dataframe (contains properties like "query") :type param: dict :return: dash markup """ chart_type, x, y, z, group, agg = (inputs.get(p) for p in ['chart_type', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'group', 'agg']) y = y or [] show_input = show_input_handler(chart_type) show_cpg = show_chart_per_group(**inputs) show_yaxis = show_yaxis_ranges(**inputs) bar_style = bar_input_style(**inputs) animate_style, animate_by_style, animate_opts = animate_styles(df, **inputs) options = build_input_options(df, **inputs) x_options, y_multi_options, y_single_options, z_options, group_options, barsort_options, yaxis_options = options query_placeholder = ( "Enter pandas query (ex: col1 == 1)" ) query_value = inputs.get('query') or inner_build_query(settings, settings.get('query')) query_label = html.Div([ html.Span('Query'), html.A(html.I(className='fa fa-info-circle ml-4'), href='', target='_blank', style={'color': 'white'}) ], className='input-group-addon', style={'minWidth': '7em'}) yaxis_type = (inputs.get('yaxis') or {}).get('type') or 'default' yaxis_type_style = {'borderRadius': '0 0.25rem 0.25rem 0'} if yaxis_type == 'default' else None show_map = chart_type == 'maps' map_props = ['map_type', 'loc_mode', 'loc', 'lat', 'lon', 'map_val'] map_type, loc_mode, loc, lat, lon, map_val = (inputs.get(p) for p in map_props) map_scope, proj = (inputs.get(p) for p in ['scope', 'proj']) loc_options, lat_options, lon_options, map_val_options = build_map_options(df, type=map_type, loc=loc, lat=lat, lon=lon, map_val=map_val) cscale_style = colorscale_input_style(**inputs) default_cscale = 'Greens' if chart_type == 'heatmap' else 'Reds' group_val_style, main_input_class = main_inputs_and_group_val_display(inputs) group_val = [json.dumps(gv) for gv in inputs.get('group_val') or []] def show_style(show): return {'display': 'block' if show else 'none'} def show_map_style(show): return {} if show else {'display': 'none'} return html.Div([ dcc.Store(id='query-data', data=inputs.get('query')), dcc.Store(id='input-data', data={k: v for k, v in inputs.items() if k not in ['cpg', 'barmode', 'barsort']}), dcc.Store(id='chart-input-data', data={k: v for k, v in inputs.items() if k in ['cpg', 'barmode', 'barsort']}), dcc.Store( id='map-input-data', data={k: v for k, v in inputs.items() if k in ['map_type', 'map_code', 'lat', 'lon', 'map_val', 'scope', 'proj']} ), dcc.Store(id='range-data'), dcc.Store(id='yaxis-data', data=inputs.get('yaxis')), dcc.Store(id='last-chart-input-data', data=inputs), dcc.Input(id='chart-code', type='hidden'), html.Div(html.Div(dcc.Tabs( id='chart-tabs', value=chart_type or 'line', children=[build_tab(t.get('label', t['value'].capitalize()), t['value']) for t in CHARTS], style=dict(height='36px') ), className='col-md-12'), className='row pt-3 pb-3 charts-filters'), html.Div(html.Div([ html.Div([ query_label, dcc.Input( id='query-input', type='text', placeholder=query_placeholder, className='form-control', value=query_value, style={'lineHeight': 'inherit'}) ], className='input-group mr-3')], className='col' ), className='row pt-3 pb-3 charts-filters'), html.Div( [html.Div([ html.Div( [ build_input( [html.Div('X'), html.Small('(Agg By)')], dcc.Dropdown( id='x-dropdown', options=x_options, placeholder='Select a column', value=x, style=dict(width='inherit'), ), label_class='input-group-addon d-block pt-1 pb-0' ), build_input( 'Y', dcc.Dropdown( id='y-multi-dropdown', options=y_multi_options, multi=True, placeholder='Select a column(s)', style=dict(width='inherit'), value=y if show_input('y', 'multi') else None ), className='col', id='y-multi-input', style=show_style(show_input('y', 'multi')) ), build_input( [html.Div('Y'), html.Small('(Agg By)')], dcc.Dropdown( id='y-single-dropdown', options=y_single_options, placeholder='Select a column', style=dict(width='inherit'), value=y[0] if show_input('y') and len(y) else None ), className='col', label_class='input-group-addon d-block pt-1 pb-0', id='y-single-input', style=show_style(show_input('y')) ), build_input('Z', dcc.Dropdown( id='z-dropdown', options=z_options, placeholder='Select a column', style=dict(width='inherit'), value=z ), className='col', id='z-input', style=show_style(show_input('z'))), build_input( 'Group', dcc.Dropdown( id='group-dropdown', options=group_options, multi=True, placeholder='Select a group(s)', value=group, style=dict(width='inherit'), ), className='col', id='group-input', style=show_style(show_input('group')) ) ], id='non-map-inputs', style={} if not show_map else {'display': 'none'}, className='row p-0 charts-filters' ), html.Div( [ build_map_type_tabs(map_type), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ build_loc_mode_hover(loc_mode), dcc.Dropdown( id='map-loc-mode-dropdown', options=[build_option(v) for v in ["ISO-3", "USA-states", "country names"]], style=dict(width='inherit'), value=loc_mode ) ], className='input-group mr-3', ) ], id='map-loc-mode-input', style=show_map_style(map_type == 'choropleth'), className='col-auto' ), build_input( [html.Div('Locations'), html.Small('(Agg By)')], dcc.Dropdown( id='map-loc-dropdown', options=loc_options, placeholder='Select a column', value=loc, style=dict(width='inherit'), ), id='map-loc-input', label_class='input-group-addon d-block pt-1 pb-0', style=show_map_style(map_type == 'choropleth') ), build_input( [html.Div('Lat'), html.Small('(Agg By)')], dcc.Dropdown( id='map-lat-dropdown', options=lat_options, placeholder='Select a column', value=lat, style=dict(width='inherit'), ), id='map-lat-input', label_class='input-group-addon d-block pt-1 pb-0', style=show_map_style(map_type == 'scattergeo') ), build_input( [html.Div('Lon'), html.Small('(Agg By)')], dcc.Dropdown( id='map-lon-dropdown', options=lon_options, placeholder='Select a column', style=dict(width='inherit'), value=lon ), id='map-lon-input', label_class='input-group-addon d-block pt-1 pb-0', style=show_map_style(map_type == 'scattergeo') ), build_input('Scope', dcc.Dropdown( id='map-scope-dropdown', options=[build_option(v) for v in SCOPES], style=dict(width='inherit'), value=map_scope or 'world' ), id='map-scope-input', style=show_map_style(map_type == 'scattergeo')), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ build_proj_hover(proj), dcc.Dropdown( id='map-proj-dropdown', options=[build_option(v) for v in PROJECTIONS], style=dict(width='inherit'), value=proj ) ], className='input-group mr-3', ) ], id='map-proj-input', style=show_map_style(map_type == 'scattergeo'), className='col-auto' ), build_input('Value', dcc.Dropdown( id='map-val-dropdown', options=map_val_options, placeholder='Select a column', style=dict(width='inherit'), value=map_val )), build_input( 'Group', dcc.Dropdown( id='map-group-dropdown', options=group_options, multi=True, placeholder='Select a group(s)', value=inputs.get('map_group'), style=dict(width='inherit'), ), className='col', id='map-group-input' ) ], id='map-inputs', className='row pt-3 pb-3 charts-filters', style={} if show_map else {'display': 'none'} ), html.Div([ build_input('Aggregation', dcc.Dropdown( id='agg-dropdown', options=[build_option(v, AGGS[v]) for v in ['raw', 'count', 'nunique', 'sum', 'mean', 'rolling', 'corr', 'first', 'last', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'std', 'var', 'mad', 'prod', 'pctsum', 'pctct']], placeholder='Select an aggregation', style=dict(width='inherit'), value=agg or 'raw', )), html.Div([ build_input('Window', dcc.Input( id='window-input', type='number', placeholder='Enter days', className='form-control text-center', style={'lineHeight': 'inherit'}, value=inputs.get('window') )), build_input('Computation', dcc.Dropdown( id='rolling-comp-dropdown', options=[ build_option('corr', 'Correlation'), build_option('count', 'Count'), build_option('cov', 'Covariance'), build_option('kurt', 'Kurtosis'), build_option('max', 'Maximum'), build_option('mean', 'Mean'), build_option('median', 'Median'), build_option('min', 'Minimum'), build_option('skew', 'Skew'), build_option('std', 'Standard Deviation'), build_option('sum', 'Sum'), build_option('var', 'Variance'), ], placeholder='Select an computation', style=dict(width='inherit'), value=inputs.get('rolling_comp') )) ], id='rolling-inputs', style=show_style(agg == 'rolling')) ], className='row pt-3 pb-3 charts-filters'), html.Div( [ build_input('Chart Per\nGroup', html.Div(daq.BooleanSwitch(id='cpg-toggle', on=inputs.get('cpg') or False), className='toggle-wrapper'), id='cpg-input', style=show_style(show_cpg), className='col-auto'), build_input('Barmode', dcc.Dropdown( id='barmode-dropdown', options=[ build_option('group', 'Group'), build_option('stack', 'Stack'), build_option('relative', 'Relative'), ], value=inputs.get('barmode') or 'group', placeholder='Select a mode', ), className='col-auto addon-min-width', style=bar_style, id='barmode-input'), build_input('Barsort', dcc.Dropdown( id='barsort-dropdown', options=barsort_options, value=inputs.get('barsort') ), className='col-auto addon-min-width', style=bar_style, id='barsort-input'), html.Div( html.Div( [ html.Span('Y-Axis', className='input-group-addon'), html.Div( dcc.Tabs( id='yaxis-type', value=yaxis_type, children=get_yaxis_type_tabs(y), ), id='yaxis-type-div', className='form-control col-auto pt-3', style=yaxis_type_style ), dcc.Dropdown(id='yaxis-dropdown', options=yaxis_options), html.Span('Min:', className='input-group-addon col-auto', id='yaxis-min-label'), dcc.Input( id='yaxis-min-input', type='number', className='form-control col-auto', style={'lineHeight': 'inherit'} ), html.Span('Max:', className='input-group-addon col-auto', id='yaxis-max-label'), dcc.Input( id='yaxis-max-input', type='number', className='form-control col-auto', style={'lineHeight': 'inherit'} ) ], className='input-group', id='yaxis-min-max-options', ), className='col-auto addon-min-width', id='yaxis-input', style=show_style(show_yaxis) ), build_input('Colorscale', dcc.Dropdown( id='colorscale-dropdown', options=[build_option(o) for o in COLORSCALES], value=inputs.get('colorscale') or default_cscale ), className='col-auto addon-min-width', style=cscale_style, id='colorscale-input'), build_input( 'Animate', html.Div(daq.BooleanSwitch(id='animate-toggle', on=inputs.get('animate') or False), className='toggle-wrapper'), id='animate-input', style=animate_style, className='col-auto' ), build_input('Animate By', dcc.Dropdown( id='animate-by-dropdown', options=animate_opts, value=inputs.get('animate_by') ), className='col-auto addon-min-width', style=animate_style, id='animate-by-input'), ], className='row pt-3 pb-5 charts-filters', id='chart-inputs' )], id='main-inputs', className=main_input_class ), build_input('Group(s)', dcc.Dropdown( id='group-val-dropdown', multi=True, placeholder='Select a group value(s)', value=group_val, style=dict(width='inherit'), ), className='col-md-4 pt-3 pb-5', id='group-val-input', style=group_val_style)], className='row' ), dcc.Loading(html.Div(id='chart-content', style={'height': '69vh'}), type='circle'), dcc.Textarea(id="copy-text", style=dict(position='absolute', left='-110%')) ], className='charts-body')