Source code for dtale.dash_application.layout.utils

import dash_html_components as html

[docs]def build_input( label, input, className="col-auto", label_class="input-group-addon", **kwargs ): """ Helper function to build a standard label/input component in dash. :param label: name of the input you are displaying :type label: str :param input: dash component for storing state :param className: style class to be applied to encapsulating div :type className: str :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments to be applied to encapsulating div (style, title, id...) :type kwargs: dict :return: dash components for label/input :rtype: :dash:`dash_html_components.Div <dash-html-components/div>` """ return html.Div( [ html.Div( [html.Span(label, className=label_class), input], className="input-group mr-3", ) ], className=className, **kwargs )
[docs]def build_option(value, label=None): """ Returns value/label inputs in a dictionary for use in :dash:`dash_core_components.Dropdown <dash-core-components/Dropdown>` """ return {"label": label or value, "value": value}